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systemd Tutorial On Debian and Ubuntu

0. Specs

0.0. Intro

systemd is a suite of basic building blocks for a Linux system. It provides a system and service manager that runs as PID 1 and starts the rest of the system (from systemd.io site).

systemd is a software suite that provides an array of system components for Linux operating systems (from wikipedia).

systemd is an init system for Linux. It replaces SysV init. There are a lot of distros that use it as an init system, like Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL. Also there are a lot of distros that don't use systemd, like Slackware, Devuan, Alpine, Gentoo.

A strong alternative of systemd is OpenRC.

0.1. Definitions

D-Bus (Desktop Bus): A message-oriented middleware mechanism that allows communication between multiple processes running concurrently on the same machine (from wikipedia).

cgroups: A part built into kernel, that allows setting resource utilization limits for processes. Like; cpu shares, memory usage, block I/O per process. Developed by Google.

0.2. Sources

The Debian Administrator’s Handbook by Raphaël Hertzog and Roland Mas
Linux Service Management Made Easy with systemd by Donald A. Tevault

1. systemd Units

Units are the resources that systemd knows how to manage and to operate.

1.1. Unit Locations

Locations of unit files (in increasing precedence):

1.2. Unit Types:

.service: Contains information on managing a service or application. Managing includes starting, stopping, automatic starting, dependencies etc.

.socket: Describes a socket for systemd's socket based activation. It must have an associated .service file for a service.

.device: Describes a device that needs systemd management. Not all devices has a .device file.

.mount: Mountpoints needed to be managed by systemd.

.automount: Configures a mountpoint to be automatically mounted. Must have a .mount unit.

.swap: Describes swap space on the system.

.target: Used to provide syncronization with other units.

.path: Defines a path for path based activation. A matching unit is started depending on the path existence or inexistence.

.timer: Defines a timer to be managed by systemd. A matching unit is started when the timer is reached.

.snapshot: Created with systemctl snapshot command. Saves a state of the system. Does not survive among sessions.

.slice: Associated with cgroups (Linux Control Group nodes). Allows resources to be restricted.

.scope: Created automatically by systemd from information received from its bus interfaces. Used to manage sets of system processes that are created externally.

1.3. Example Unit Files

Contents of /lib/systemd/system/apache2.service

Description=The Apache HTTP Server
After=network.target remote-fs.target nss-lookup.target
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/apachectl start
ExecStop=/usr/sbin/apachectl graceful-stop
ExecReload=/usr/sbin/apachectl graceful

Contents of /lib/systemd/system/ssh.service

Description=OpenBSD Secure Shell server
Documentation=man:sshd(8) man:sshd_config(5)
After=network.target auditd.service
ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/sshd -t
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/sshd -D $SSHD_OPTS
ExecReload=/usr/sbin/sshd -t
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID

Contents of /lib/systemd/system/ssh.socket

Description=OpenBSD Secure Shell server socket

Contents of /etc/systemd/system/snap-firefox-2356.mount

Description=Mount unit for firefox, revision 2356

1.4. Unit File Structure

Unit files are made of sections. Unit and Install sections can exist in all types of units. Also there are some other sections which can exist in certain unit types. They are Socket, Mount, Automount, Swap, Path, Timer, and Slice.

Sections contain directives. Some directives are unit type specific and some are general.

For a full list of directives see:

1.4.1. Unit Section Directives (Applies to all unit types)

Description: A short description of the unit.
Documentation: Location of documentation.
Requires: The units that this unit depends. All of them must be activated for this unit to be activated.
Wants: Similar to Requires, but not strict. Systemd tries to activate the list of units before activating this unit.
BindsTo: Similar to Requires, also stops this unit when the listed unit stops. Before: This unit must be started before the listed units. Does not imply dependency.
After: The list of units must be started before this unit. Does not imply dependency.
Conflicts: This unit can not be run at the same time with the listed unit. If this unit starts, other units stop.
Condition: This unit starts if the conditions are met. If conditions are not met, this unit is skipped.
Assert: Similar to condition. But if conditions are not met, a failure is caused.
ConditionPathExists: Unit starts if this path exists. Start the path with ! to negate.

1.4.2. Install Section Directives (Applies to all unit types)

WantedBy: Similar to Wants directive of the Unit section. Mostly used with targets.
RequiredBy: Similar to WantedBy but is more strict. Causes a failure if the dependency is not met.
Alias: Allows the unit have an alias name. (Like ssh, sshd).
Also: Additional units to install/deinstall when this unit is installed/deinstalled.
DefaultInstance: Only used with template units. Default instance name of the unit enabled from a template.

1.4.3. Service Section Directives (Applies to Service unit types)

Type: Could be one of the following

RemainAfterExit: Commonly used with the oneshot type. Indicates that the service isactive even after the process exits.
PIDFile: For forking type, file to contain the PID of the child process.
BusName: For dbus type, name to acquire as D-Bus name.
NotifyAccess: Takes none, main, exec or none values. Controls which service status messages are notified.
Environment: Environment values to set.
EnvironmentFile: Read a list of environment values from this file. (-) sign before the file name means, ignore if the file is not found.
Killmode: How to stop the service. process means only to kill the main process, mixed means to kill the main process and the others, none means just run ExecStop.
ExecStart: Command to start the service. If starts with -, ignore failure. ExecStartPre: Additional commands to run before the main process.
ExecStartPost: Additional commands to run after the main process.
ExecReload: Command to reload the service.
ExecStop: Command to stop the service.
ExecStopPost: Additional commands to run after stopping the process.
RestartSec: Amount of time to wait before restart.
Restart: Circumstances to automatically restart the service. Could be: always, on-success, on-failure, on-abnormal, on-abort, on-watchdog etc.
RestartPreventExitStatus: Prevents the service from automatically restarting if the given exit code is received.
RuntimeDirectory: Directory to run the service (under /run).
RuntimeDirectoryMode: Permissions of the runtime directory (Default 0755).
TimeoutSec: Amount of time to wait before starting or stopping the service before marking as failed (or killing it).
TimeoutStartSec: Amount of time to wait before starting service before marking as failed (or killing it).
TimeoutStopSec: Amount of time to wait before starting service before marking as failed (or killing it).

1.4.3. Socket Section Directives (Applies to Socket unit types)

ListenStream: Address to listen on for a TCP stream.
ListenDatagram: Address to listen on for a UDP stream.
ListenSequentialPacket: Address to listen on for a Unix socket stream.
ListenFIFO: File system FIFO to listen on.
Accept: If yes, a service instance is spawned for each incoming connection, if no, all listening sockets are passed to the started service unit.
SocketUser: Unix user name for the socket (default root).
SocketGroup: Unix group name for the socket (default root).
SocketMode: System access permissions for the socket (default 0666).
Service: Connected service name (if different than the socket name).

1.4.4. Mount Section Directives (Applies to Mount unit types)

What: Path to be mounted.
Where: Path to mount.
Type: The filesystem type of the mount.
Options: A comma-separated list of the mount options.
SloppyOptions: Boolean to determine whether the mount will fail if there is an unrecognized mount option.
DirectoryMode: Permission mode for the parent dirs of the mount point.
TimeoutSec: Amount of time to wait before the operation is marked as failed.

1.4.5. Automount Section Directives (Applies to Automount unit types)

Where: Path to mount.
DirectoryMode: Permission mode for the parent dirs of the mount point.

1.4.6. Swap Section Directives (Applies to Swap unit types)

What: Path of the location of swap (file or device).
Priority: Swap priority in integer form.
Options: Comma separated list of options for /etc/fstab file.
TimeoutSec: Amount of time to wait before the operation is marked as failed.

1.4.7. Path Section Directives (Applies to Path unit types)

PathExists: If this path exists, associated unit will be activated.
PathExistsGlob: Similar to PathExists, supports file glob expressions.
PathChanged: Activates the associated unit when the file in the path is saved and closed.
PathModified: Similar to PathChanged but also activates the unit when the file is changed.
DirectoryNotEmpty: Activates the associated unit when the specified directory is not empty.
Unit: Connected unit name (if different than the path name).
MakeDirectory: If true, the directories to watch are created before watching.
DirectoryMode: Permissions to use if MakeDirectory is true (Default 755)

1.4.8. Timer Section Directives (Applies to Timer unit types)

OnActiveSec: Activate the associated unit after this amount of time after the activation time of the timer unit.
OnBootSec: Activate the associated unit after this amount of the time after the boot.
OnStartupSec: Activate the associated unit after this amount of the time after systemd process started.
OnUnitActiveSec: Activate the associated unit after this amount of the time after the associated unit last activated.
OnUnitInactiveSec: Activate the associated unit after this amount of the time after the associated unit last marked as inactive.
OnCalendar: Absolute time to activate the associated unit.
AccuracySec: Level of accuracy of the timer.
Unit: Associated unit name (if different than the timer name).
Persistent: If true, the time when the service unit was last triggered is stored on disk. When the timer is activated, the service unit is triggered immediately if it would have been triggered at least once during the time when the timer was inactive.

2. Targets

2.1. Definition and List

Similar to SysV init runlevel. Their purpose is to group together other systemd units through a chain of dependencies.

A fresh install Ubuntu 24.04 server has the following targets:

systemctl list-unit-files --type=target
UNIT FILE                     STATE    PRESET  
basic.target                  static   -       
blockdev@.target              static   -       
bluetooth.target              static   -       
boot-complete.target          static   -       
cloud-config.target           static   -       
cloud-init.target             static   -       
cryptsetup-pre.target         static   -       
cryptsetup.target             static   -       
ctrl-alt-del.target           alias    -       
default.target                alias    -       
emergency.target              static   -       
exit.target                   disabled disabled
factory-reset.target          static   -       
final.target                  static   -       
first-boot-complete.target    static   -       
friendly-recovery.target      static   -       
getty-pre.target              static   -       
getty.target                  static   -       
graphical.target              static   -       
halt.target                   disabled disabled
hibernate.target              static   -       
hybrid-sleep.target           static   -       
initrd-fs.target              static   -       
initrd-root-device.target     static   -       
initrd-root-fs.target         static   -       
initrd-switch-root.target     static   -       
initrd-usr-fs.target          static   -       
initrd.target                 static   -       
integritysetup-pre.target     static   -       
integritysetup.target         static   -       
kexec.target                  disabled disabled
local-fs-pre.target           static   -       
local-fs.target               static   -       
multi-user.target             static   -       
network-online.target         static   -       
network-pre.target            static   -       
network.target                static   -       
nss-lookup.target             static   -       
nss-user-lookup.target        static   -       
paths.target                  static   -       
poweroff.target               disabled disabled
printer.target                static   -       
reboot.target                 disabled enabled 
remote-cryptsetup.target      disabled enabled 
remote-fs-pre.target          static   -       
remote-fs.target              enabled  enabled 
remote-veritysetup.target     disabled enabled 
rescue-ssh.target             static   -       
rescue.target                 static   -       
rpcbind.target                static   -       
runlevel0.target              alias    -       
runlevel1.target              alias    -       
runlevel2.target              alias    -       
runlevel3.target              alias    -       
runlevel4.target              alias    -       
runlevel5.target              alias    -       
runlevel6.target              alias    -       
shutdown.target               static   -       
sigpwr.target                 static   -       
sleep.target                  static   -       
slices.target                 static   -       
smartcard.target              static   -       
snapd.mounts-pre.target       static   -       
snapd.mounts.target           static   -       
sockets.target                static   -       
soft-reboot.target            static   -       
sound.target                  static   -       
storage-target-mode.target    static   -       
slices.target                 static   -       
smartcard.target              static   -       
snapd.mounts-pre.target       static   -       
snapd.mounts.target           static   -       
sockets.target                static   -       
soft-reboot.target            static   -       
sound.target                  static   -       
storage-target-mode.target    static   -       
suspend-then-hibernate.target static   -       
suspend.target                static   -       
swap.target                   static   -       
sysinit.target                static   -       
system-update-pre.target      static   -       
system-update.target          static   -       
time-set.target               static   -       
time-sync.target              static   -       
timers.target                 static   -       
umount.target                 static   -       
usb-gadget.target             static   -       
veritysetup-pre.target        static   -       
veritysetup.target            static   -       

Target configuration files reside in /lib/systemd/system/

2.2. Example Target Files




Description=Multi-User System
Conflicts=rescue.service rescue.target
After=basic.target rescue.service rescue.target


Description=Graphical Interface
Conflicts=rescue.service rescue.target
After=multi-user.target rescue.service rescue.target display-manager.service

3. Unit Management: systemctl Command

Start a service

sudo systemctl start apache2.service

Stop a service

sudo systemctl stop apache2.service

Reload a service

sudo systemctl reload apache2.service

Restart a service

sudo systemctl restart apache2.service

Try to reload if possible, otherwise restart a service

sudo systemctl reload-or-restart apache2.service

Enable a service (starts at boot)

sudo systemctl enable apache2.service

Disable a service (does not start at boot)

sudo systemctl disable apache2.service

Show status of a service

sudo systemctl status apache2.service

Show if service is active

systemctl is-active apache2.service

Show if service is enabled

systemctl is-enabled apache2.service

Show if service is failed

systemctl is-failed apache2.service

Mask a service (completely unstartable)

sudo systemctl mask apache2.service

Unmask a service

sudo systemctl unmask apache2.service

List all active units

sudo systemctl list-units

Including loaded and attempted to load

sudo systemctl list-units --all

Including all installed

sudo systemctl list-unit-files

List services only

systemctl list-units --type=service

See contents of a unit file

systemctl cat apache2.service

See dependencies of a unit

systemctl list-dependencies apache2.service

See dependencies of a unit recursively

systemctl list-dependencies apache2.service --all

See low level details of a unit

systemctl show apache2.service

Append or modify settings in a unit file

sudo systemctl edit apache2.service

Edit entire contents of a unit file

sudo systemctl edit --full apache2.service

Reload systemd

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Show default target (run level) of a system

systemctl get-default

Set default target

sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target
sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target

List of available targets

systemctl list-unit-files --type=target

List of units tied to a target

systemctl list-dependencies multi-user.target

Poweroff and reboot

sudo systemctl poweroff
sudo systemctl reboot

Boot into rescue mode

sudo systemctl rescue

Halt (Does not poweroff the machine)

sudo systemctl halt

Control systemd of a remote system

systemctl --host user_name@host_name command

4. Log Management: journal-ctl Command

See all log entries


See all log entries for the current boot

journalctl -b

See only kernel entries

journalctl -k

See only kernel entries for the current boot

journalctl -k -b

See only apache log entries

journalctl -u apache2.service

See only apache log entries for the current boot

journalctl -b -u apache2.service

See logs from previous boot

journalctl -b -1

List boots

journalctl --list-boots

Logs in a time interval

journalctl --since "2023-01-10 17:15:00"
journalctl --since "2023-01-10" --until "2023-01-11 03:00"
journalctl --since yesterday
journalctl --since 09:00 --until "1 hour ago"
journalctl -u apache2.service --since today

Log entries for an executable

journalctl /usr/bin/bash

Log in json format

journalctl -b -u apache2 -o json
journalctl -b -u apache2 -o json-pretty

Most recent 10 entries

journalctl -n

Most recent 20 entries

journalctl -n 20

Actively follow logs (like tail -f). Press Ctrl-C to exit.

journalctl -f

Disk usage

journalctl --disk-usage

Delete old logs up to size

sudo journalctl --vacuum-size=1G

Delete old logs up to time

sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1years

5. Other systemd Components

systemd has some other components too. Some of them:

systemd-boot: UEFI boot manager. Supports basic boot manager configuration. Integrates with systemctl command. Has the command bootctl.

systemd-cat: Adds a record to the systemd log with a pipeline.

echo "Test" | systemd-cat -p info

systemd-localed: Manages system locale settings. Has the command localectl.

systemd-logind: Manages user logins. Keeps track of users and sessions. Handles device access management for users.

systemd-machined: Detects and monitors virtual machines and containers. Has machinectl command.

systemd-mount: Handles .mount and .automount units.

systemd-networkd: Network configuration management. Configuration files are in /lib/systemd/network, /run/systemd/network, and /etc/systemd/network in increasing precedence.

systemd-nspawn: May be used to run a command or OS in a light-weight namespace container. In many ways it is similar to chroot

systemd-resolved: Provides network name resolution. Has resolvectl command.

systemd-sysusers: Creates system users and groups.

systemd-timesyncd: Provides system time synchronization across the network with a remote NTP server. Has timedatectl command.

systemd-tmpfiles: Creates, deletes, and cleans up volatile and temporary files and directories.

systemd-udevd: Manages physical devices.

6. Creating a Service

We will create a very simple service. Our service will ping an IP address in every 10 minutes. It will create an info log if the ping is OK, otherwise it will create and error log.

The application will be a shell script, the script will be put into /usr/local/bin, a unit file will be created, enabled, started and tested.

6.1. Create Shell Script

nano ipcheck.sh

Fill as below

echo "ipcheck.service: Start. $(date)" | systemd-cat -p info
while true ; do
  ping -q -w 1 > /dev/null
  if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
     echo "ipcheck.service: Ping to IP is OK. $(date)" | systemd-cat -p info
     echo "ipcheck.service: Error cannot ping IP. $(date)" | systemd-cat -p err
  sleep 600

6.2. Copy it into /usr/local/bin

Make it executable

chmod +x ipcheck.sh


sudo cp ipcheck.sh /usr/local/bin

6.3. Create Unit File

sudo systemctl edit --force --full ipcheck.service

The command will open a nano editor

Fill it as below, save and exit

Description=IPCheck Demo Service
After=syslog.target network-online.target



6.4. Enable and Start The Service

sudo systemctl enable ipcheck.service
sudo systemctl start ipcheck.service

6.5. Test it

sudo journalctl -n 20